Chilean musician Maximiliano Valdés is a guitarist, bassist, percussionist and singer.

Perceiving, getting to know and using the diversity of music are important building blocks for radiating this sincerity.

A simple melody deserves the same attention and work as a virtuosic piece.

The aspects of rhythm, melody, harmony and sound are decisive for this and are devotedly explored regardless of the level of difficulty of the composition.

The musician likes to move in different styles and is inspired by both colleagues and artists who are important to him, such as Violeta Parra, John Scofield and Igor Stravinsky.

In Chile, Maximiliano received guitar lessons from Jorge Diaz and Pedro Rodriguez. In 2018 he moved to Germany to study with musicians such as Frank Winkgold, Anne Mette Iversen and Florian Weber.

Thanks to the commitment and challenges of these teachers, Maximiliano was able to broaden his musical horizons and grow as an artist.

In 2022 he founded the Maximiliano Valdés Hammond Trio together with pianist Leon Richenhagen and drummer Felix Seefluth.

The combination of discipline and effort has taught us to respect musical creation as a human wealth.

The concert repertoire was a combination of original compositions and reinterpretations of jazz classics. Each piece was developed with an overflowing passion and creativity.


where i performed

The possibility of expressing both the fiery intensity and the human vulnerability in his music is of great importance for Maximiliano in order to transport the entire emotional range of the human being in his interpretations and compositions.

The perfect combination of talent and improvisation makes the evening an unforgettable experience for jazz lovers.

The technique and the ability to create nuanced and emotionally rich melodies made this evening unique.

From the moment the trio enters the stage feel the energy that surrounds the audience. The interaction between the musicians It was already solid from the first bars. How they improvised and how they themselves they fed each other was a captivating musical game.
